Prof. Stewart from OSU visited PADSYS/CSE, UC Merced!

We are so glad to have Prof. Christopher Stewart visited us in April 2021.

Prof. Christopher Stewart is an associate professor from The Ohio State University. Dr. Stewart leads the ReRout Lab which produces computer systems research that reaches out. In April 2021, Prof. Stewart did a virtual visit at PADSYS/CSE, UC Merced. He gave an invited talk on "Data-Driven Management for Autonomous Systems."

The talk video is publicly available on PADSYS YouTube Channel.

Thanks a lot for visiting us, Prof. Stewart!

Two papers got accepted in WORDS21 and HPDC21!

A vision paper is accepted in WORDS 2021, co-located with ASPLOS 2021: Towards Offloadable and Migratable Microservices on Disaggregated Architectures: Vision, Challenges, and Research Roadmap.

A paper is accepted in HPDC 2021: DStore: A Fast, Tailless, and Quiescent-Free Object Store for PMEM.

Congratulations to all the authors!

Paper Info

[HPDC'21] DStore: A Fast, Tailless, and Quiescent-Free Object Store for PMEM

Shashank Gugnani and Xiaoyi Lu.

In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2021.

[WORDS'21] Towards Offloadable and Migratable Microservices on Disaggregated Architectures: Vision, Challenges, and Research Roadmap

Xiaoyi Lu and Arjun Kashyap

In The Second Workshop On Resource Disaggregation and Serverless (WORDS’21), co-located with ASPLOS 2021.


We got an Academic Senate Faculty Grant! Congrats!

Our team received the Academic Senate Faculty Grant for "Networking and Data Processing Infrastructure for Collaborative Research on Agriculture between UC Merced and Merced College". Prof. Lu is the overall PI for this grant.

Congratulations to our great team!

Thanks a lot for UCM's support!!!

PADSYS Lab Moves to UCM!

We are happy to announce that PADSYS Lab Moves to UC Merced!

(Courtesy: Celebration by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images)

Shashank got the Ph.D. degree! Congrats!

My advised Ph.D. student Shashank Gugnani has successfully defended his thesis and graduated.

Congratulations, Dr. Gugnani!

Thesis Info

Title: Designing Scalable Storage Systems for Non-Volatile Memory

Year and Degree: 2020, Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, Computer Science and Engineering.


  • Xiaoyi Lu (Advisor)
  • Feng Qin (Committee Member)
  • Mike Bond (Committee Member)
  • Yang Wang (Committee Member)