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Welcome to visit the Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory (PADSYS Lab) website. We are one of the labs in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of California, Merced.

We are interested in understanding, modeling, designing, and developing real computer systems. Our current research interests include parallel and distributed computing, high-performance interconnects, advanced I/O technologies, Big Data Analytics, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, High-Performance Computing, and Deep Learning system software. We are also closely working with application domain scientists to solve grand challenges facing different communities, such as agriculture, neuroscience, and so on.

Join Us

We are looking forward to working with self-motivated Ph.D., M.S., and undergraduate students, with research interests in parallel and distributed computing systems. Ph.D. students will be supported by full scholarships to cover the tuition fees and living expenses.

Please feel free to contact Prof. Xiaoyi Lu if you have interest.


You can find any of our research projects here.

You can find any of our publications here.

You can find any of our developed software here.

Lab Photos

PADSYS Lab 2023 Photo
(The photo was taken at UC Merced SE2 building in April 2023.)

Recent Publications

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