A vision paper is accepted in WORDS 2021, co-located with ASPLOS 2021: Towards Offloadable and Migratable Microservices on Disaggregated Architectures: Vision, Challenges, and Research Roadmap.

A paper is accepted in HPDC 2021: DStore: A Fast, Tailless, and Quiescent-Free Object Store for PMEM.

Congratulations to all the authors!

Paper Info

[HPDC'21] DStore: A Fast, Tailless, and Quiescent-Free Object Store for PMEM

Shashank Gugnani and Xiaoyi Lu.

In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2021.

[WORDS'21] Towards Offloadable and Migratable Microservices on Disaggregated Architectures: Vision, Challenges, and Research Roadmap

Xiaoyi Lu and Arjun Kashyap

In The Second Workshop On Resource Disaggregation and Serverless (WORDS’21), co-located with ASPLOS 2021.
